YouTube Checklist To Upload A Video


Do you often here YouTubers say this at the end of their videos

Don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel for more videos like this

YouTube guidelines state that you need minimum 4,000 hours in watch time views along with 1,000 subscribers before they will consider monetizing your channel.

YouTube is a GLOBAL resource to grow your audience LOCALLY & INTERNATIONALLY.

Are you wondering where to begin?

Do you want to become the next influencer?

Unless you upload that video you will never know.

Don’t just upload that video to become VIRAL. It takes a strategy and this eBook has the steps I took to get one of my VIDEOS trending.


Product Description

Step by Step Guide with Tips to Upload Your YouTube Video

YouTube is a GLOBAL resource to grow your audience LOCALLY & INTERNATIONALLY.

Are you wondering where to begin?

Do you want to become the next influencer?

YouTube Thumbnail ThabiNyoni

Unless you upload that video you will never know.

Don’t just upload that video to become VIRAL. It takes a strategy and this eBook has the steps I took to get one of my VIDEOS trending.

Within this guide you will have how to and tips to follow when uploading your YouTube Video. This guide is designed with a new user in mind or someone who has tried out YouTube but is not seeing any traction on their channel and is considering giving up.

One key factor is to know you niche and design your videos specifically for this niche. Knowing your niche will help you give them exactly what they want.

Remember that every channel is unique. Results are not guaranteed and this is specific to how I got my video to be successful on the platform. Added tip posting multiple videos frequently will gain additional views to your channel along as keeping your subscribers engaged.


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